At we provide a comprehensive air testing service to ensure air compliance monitoring with facility managers, Health & Safety officers and process engineers. Indoor air quality can have a major influence on the health, comfort and well-being of building occupants. Poor air quality has been linked to problems of sick building syndrome, where occupants experience a range of symptoms causing discomfort and a sense of being unwell rather than a specific illness, and has been shown to reduce productivity in offices. We carry out testing for a wide range of testing for occupational air exposure to include chemicals, gases, dusts and fumes. These originate from process activity and in some cases these cannot be totally controlled at source, leading to some exposure to operators. Only when a complete air monitoring survey of a workplace is carried out can managers be confident that a workplace complies with the Safety Health and Welfare Regulations. We have extensive experience of assessing the key parameters which can determine workplace air quality and advising on appropriate remedial measures as required.

Workplace exposure monitoring can typically include the following

  • Welding fume
  • Engineering works
  • Printworks
  • Waste facility dust and mists
  • Wood dust
  • Rubber fume
  • Isocyanates
  • Toxic metals
  • Flour and grain dust
  • Oil mists
  • Solvent vapours
  • Gases

Results are presented in detailed interpretive reports comparing results with Code of Practice for the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Chemical Agents) Regulations 2001 Limits or where appropriate comparative international limits.